Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Octopus Fish Fry #3

Good Morning everybody! Okay wozers I am really obsessed with fish on the BBQ this week....I tihnk I have a set of photos for every day!
So I think you remember from this post that our first trip to the Marsaxlokk fish market included seeing that fisherman's wife seeling live octopus? And our reaction to it the first time? Yeah well we have turned a corner in a big way. After eating so much great octopus carpaccio and stew and the like we decided it was high time we cooked up our own. After presuring the stalls we decided on the baby octopuses. The lady tried to give us a bag of twenty (I think they were all laughing at us!) :) Anyways we got her down to just four and were on our way. Back home Vince was so hungry he started cleaning them himself. He had to peel their skin and cut off their eyes....Thankfully the brains were taken out for us by the kind fisherman's wife!
After a few moments on the grill we devoured them and agreed that the head was the most tasty. Weird eh? I mean the legs were too, especially when the ends got a little crusty on the BBQ.
Pure Octopus Prefection!
Love and Hugs


  1. Wow, darling you are fishing eating machines!! What are all those thing on the grill with the octopus?? What is the fish? Is that calamari too? You must be loving all the fresh fish and seafood. Have fun. Love to you both, Mom & Dad

  2. Yup we went crazy! We had kalamari, octopus and rock fish all at once. Oh and we boiled up some muscles too! Yahoo! It's fish week at the Dodge/Klein household!
    Love you too!
