Thursday, September 18, 2014

27 weeks or 6months preggo or 91 days to go...

Hi guys, well I have finally made it to 6months! Whoohooo! I feel like a whale and worried I may have to be wheeled around by the end of this pregnancy or maybe get one of those motorized scooters. Why are my boobs so ginormous you ask? Beats me, probably just to piss me off further. Anyways definitely getting those puppies reduced after this pregnancy. URGH.

Ok enough with the negativity eh?!

My sciatic pain is starting to lift! I feel like I can walk better and sleep better and smile more often. I haven't cried in over 10 days. I have the mental capacity to bond with my little man in there. I finally feel like I am rounding out of the survival mode I was in for so long. It's a blissful thing. I even had an image of holding my little man's newborn body and feeling his warmth and curled up legs against me. I can't wait!

We started Hypnobirthing again and I am so excited. I'm starting to believe in myself again that I can do this birthing thing. Screw you pain you will not keep me down. My brother used to have this poster in his room that said something like "You just gotta get back up" And that's what I'm gonna do.

Love and Hugs

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