Friday, December 18, 2009

Dinner at Casa Amberlino! Ciao! Ciao!

Good evening Everybody! Well Vince is here and we are gettin' really excited for our engagement party tomorrow at Mom and Dads! Come over if you not busy it's gonna be awesome!

So I have so much more to share with you from my 5 days in Halifax! Here are some pictures of dinner at Amberlie's house. She cooked up an Italian feast fit for a queen! We had aubergine parmesan, salad verte, chicken lemone, and the best part fo sho was the smooth vanilla bean panna cotta! OH MY GOD was it ever good! So light and creamy and delicious! Doug and Amberlie and I devoured it in 30 seconds flat with a little after dinner shot of Lemoncello! How perfect! I can't say enough about how my girls went all out to make me feel loved and right at home! Thank you Thank you Thank you! I love you ladies!

Love and Hugs

P.S. okay I am my brother's house and having a little trouble uploading the rest of the pics for this post...hopefully I will get them up tomorrow so please check back then! Thanks guys!