Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Weekend, here's some Maniago!

Good Morning everybody! These pictures are from our first day in Manaigo last Saturday. We arrived in the afternoon and after checking into the hotel went down to the main piazza to see what was happening. There was a festival with music, games and food! Men were selling BBQ'd sardines and grilled polenta so of course we had to have a taste. They were delicious but the polenta not so much. We had a few plastic glasses full of prosecco for 1 euro and headed over to Silvia's family's house for dinner. They had the backyard BBQ all fired up with veal brochettes, sausages, pork and polenta. We sat down to a beautiful meal for a group of 21 people all there to help Silvia and Gary celebrate the night before their wedding. The food was amazing, we had beans, tomatoes, salad, cheese, some kind of amazing smoked meat with arugula and olive oil on top and of course all the BBQ'd meat! What a lovely meal...oh and don't forget about the limoncello toast at the end of the evening. Just Perfect!
What are you up to this weekend? Alexis and his cousin are coming to visit from Strasbourg and we will be missing you.
Love and Hugs.