Okay so this time we chose a wine bar in the 9th called, "Autour d'un Verre". Unfortunately when we got there it was closed. This is the case in July and August in Paris....many shops and restaurants close for months at a time so everyone can go on vacation, crazy eh? Anyways the next restaurant on the list was right around the corner and called "J'Go" In the end we were so happy that Autour d'un Verre was closed. J'Go was outstanding! The staff was so overly friendly and totally out of place in Paris. We felt like we could sit there forever and there was nothing we couldn't ask for. The concept of the restaurant is meat from the former south western province of France called Gascony. It is very homey simple food and so friggin delicious! I eat a lot of terrines here in Paris, rabbit, lapin, campagne you name it, if it's made into a mushy consistency and served with bread and pickles I will eat it. At J'Go they have the best terrine I have ever tasted and I'm not lying. It's made from shredded pork and its called Lou Pastifret. It comes in a glass jar with a large layer of white creamy fat on top and a knife stuck in it. I know this sounds gross but believe me we both ate some of the fat, it tasted that good! If you are three or more people you can order a whole chicken, duck, shoulders of lamb, or pork to be cooked fresh on the premises. It takes a little longer but it's worth it if the smiles from our neighbouring dinners had anything to say about it. When their whole duck appeared they were so happy they clapped!
I wish you guys were here with us and I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Love and Hugs