Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sue inspired tabouleh

Good Morning every body! For the last week I have been craving tabouleh. I have never made it from scratch before and was nervous. It seems like ages ago we went over for dinner at Donna Folmers place in Halifax and Sue brought over her handmade tabouleh, which was to DIE for. I still remember it. I think that was in 2004 or 2005? It was so delicious and I wanted to make the same thing last night....
So what do you think, would you eat my tabouleh? I also roasted some lamb with a sardine,rosemary and lemon rub loosely adapted from Clotilde's blog yesterday. Add some hummus and olives and you are good to go. We ate outside on our balcony last night and Vince said it was the best meal he's had since he's been back in Paris. I think he's biased! :)
Love and Hugs.