Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hi Everybody, I guess everyone knows by now that Vince and I were pregnant. It was a big surprise to us and however unplanned it was it was equally as joyful. We were getting really used to the term Mommy and Daddy and Baby when we found out at an ultrasound last week that the fetus had stopped living. Yesterday at 12 weeks and 1 day I had a D&C operation to remove the dead fetus from my uterus.
So it's over. No more baby, no more Mommy or Daddy. I feel really angry and sad and disappointed and angry and lost. I'm mad cause I wanted to announce our pregnancy here with such happiness. I'm mad my parents won't be grandparents anymore and my brother and Britt won't be aunts and uncles anymore. But most of all I'm sad that the baby I bonded with and was inside me for 2 months is now gone. He was mine and I didn't want him or her to leave. I feel empty and sad and crappy.

But everythings going to be okay cause I have you guys. Thank you so much for all your emails. It's overwhelming and makes me feel so loved. Vince and I can't do this alone and I need all the support I can get right now. So thanks guys! I love you soooooooo much! Hopefully this blog will get back on track soon. Just need time to get used to it being over.

Love and Hugs
