Monday, February 1, 2010

Pretty Palette by Snipet and Ink

Goodmorning everybody! How was you weekend? What did you do for fun? Vince and I laid low. We went out on Saturdy to get a few more things to make our house a home. Finding regular things like picture fames is a feat in itself here in Malta so it's taking longer than normal to get the apartment set up just the way we like it. But I think after one more hunting trip this weekend it should finally be perfect and ready for your visit! Yahoo! I can't wait till you all get here!

I love searching the web for wedding ideas and inspiration. All the wedding magazines here are british and I find their style a little tacky for me do you know what I mean? Even a little trashy I dare say. Anywho so all the wedding research I do is online and I found this great website called Snipet and Ink. The author puts together these inspiration boards on different colors and posts them once a week. I totally fell in love with the one above that was titled:
"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"
Love it!
Love and Hugs,