Hi Guys, So Vince took Alex to the train station and they were meeting another university friend for a beer around the station before Alex caught his train. I was left to my own devices at home and happily mozzied over to the corner store for a bottle of wine to drink with dinner. I made myself a really healthy salad with shrimp and lemon juice and some tabouleh I made yesterday. Halfway through the bottle of wine I realized there was no way I could let the delicious cheeses in the fridge just sit there all alone. (I'm supposed to be on a diet! Whatevs! ) Anyways out comes the cheesy dessert! Viola we have Vieux Comte, Peppercorn Pecorino and a smooth as silk unpasturized chevre with ash aged by Marie Anne Cantin. Oh and a little peach cause they are so good right now. Are they good back home? Anyways then I have a close up picture of the cheesy dessert and then a picture of how excited I am to eat it! Wish you were with me.
Lots of love and hugs.