Monday, August 17, 2009

The Store in the basement

Goodmorning Everybody,
I have a few more pictures to share from Saturday at Aunt Ann's. The kids had a convience store set up in the basement with several items for sale for "real" money. You could buy a peach for 40 cents a granola bar for 75 cents, a stuffed dolly for 5.00 dollars or less and on Sunday the store was selling english muffins taosted with your choice of toppings. Grandpa bought one of those and a diet coke. They even had live commercials for the store upstairs to entice us to shop with them. They dressed up in funny outfits and did a dance and sung all together a little jingle. It was a wonderful addition to the night. I hope your guys enjoy them and are having a great week.
Lots of love and hugs.