Monday, August 24, 2009

Last friday in Toronto

Goodmorning Everyone, I am back in Paris and think I have slept for 24 hours straight it feels. I wanted to show you a few pics from last friday at Mom and Dad's. I have so many pics from the week and a half I stayed there and thought you would like to have a look. After we went to the butcher shop we came home and cooked up a feast on Dad's Weber grill. They were the best steaks I have ever had in my life and I'm not lyin. I don't know if it was the meat or the grill but whatever it was it was good! We had a little too much wine and got silly and wanted to see what Mom looked like with piggytails. What do you think? I think she looks so adorable I could eat her.
I love you guys and want to thank you so much for making my trip home so memorable and loving. As for my best girls in Halifax, the Soo and Calgary I will be out to hunt you down this out, the huggymonster is after you! :) As for the Kleins, I hope to see Delph this weekend and the rest of the family next month in Montigny. Yahoo!
Love and Hugs.