Goodmorning Everyone! Today I made a picnic lunch and headed over to Vince's work to share it with him. We got some great saucisson au roquefort at the store the other day and one of Vince's favourite things is a baguette/saucisson sandwich. It's easy to make as we have a bakery right across the street from our apartment. I went over there and bought a half baguette for 45 centimes and came home to fill it up with saucisson....no lettuce,no tomato,no mustard,no butter just bread and saucisson. After that I whipped up a salad for me with a frenchie lettuce called Mache that I love and these new berries that Vince showed me called groseille . They are kinda like chokecherries or red currants at home. After that I packed it all up in my purse with an apple and some water and walked over to the bus stop. We always have lunch in the square across from Vince's office. It's nice spot with benches and big chesnut trees. What are your lunch plans for today?