Thursday, November 5, 2009

The cafe I write to you from every day

Hi guys! I am so late emailing and posting today! I have spent all day getting ready for Shelly's arrival. Cleaning and grocery shopping. And the rest of the time I'm just excited! I can't believe she's actually coming! I think she's on the plane from Calgary to Montreal as I am writting right now!
Speaking of writting right now I just got Vince to take some pictures of me so you can see where I write from each day. It's a cafe around the corner from our apartment called "Le Touring." I have a espresso and get free wifi for 2 hours a day. I love the parisian rattan chairs and heated overhead lamps so I can sit outside even when it's cold and rainy. I love the fancy ladies who only order one drink and then smoke and talk for hours with their mates....ahh the life of a parisian lady who lunches. :)
Love and Hugs