Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hey You! Support my little bro!...please?

Good morning every body! For the second year in a row Ryan is involved in a charity fundraiser called Movember. He is growing a ridiculous moustache for the month of november and collecting donations to keep it going. It's all in the name of the Prostate Cancer Canada organization. If you would like to donate to him or his team...(my dad is also participating) then just go to this link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/30389

Or if you know anyone who would like to join his team or build one of their own please send the link along to them. I'm looking at you Francois, Doug, Whit or Rob (shelly's gorgeous beau). It's fun and hilairous to watch a scrawny little stash grow into something sort of manly? On Ryan's team page there is a motivational poster of Brian Fontana from the movie "Anchorman: The lengend of Ron Burgundy" As Brian would say it's time to "Musk up!"

Love and Hugs