The second morning of last weekend was even better than the last. Another morning in a row totally not hungover! Whoooohooooo! I slept a little late and Vince made me coffee and breakfast in bed. After my shower and Vince’s grocery trip we called our new best friends Delphine and Loic and asked if they’d like to join us in the Bois de Boulogne for a run through a boot camp style course there is set up in the woods. We got on our bikes and met them there. All four of us ran in between each exercise station doing such things as push ups (URGH), climbing over walls, chin ups (URGH) inverted crunches, leaning against a wooden wall with our knees bent at a 90 degree angle for 60 seconds (Yeah right!) etc. It was really fun and great to be outside with the leaves on the ground and doggies running around freely and happy. It didn’t even really feel like exercise. But right now Vince and I are feeling it let me tell you. I can barely lift my arms higher than elbow height. Damn you chin ups! (well the ½ a chin up I did, lets be honest)
So what’s going on for you this week?
Love and Hugs
So what’s going on for you this week?
Love and Hugs