Good Morning Every body! How was your weekend? Vince and I had a great one. On Saturday we met up with Vince’s sister Delphine and her new boyfriend Loic for lunch. We ate at L'Entredgeu, a neo bistro in the 17th arrondissement. We sat at a round wooden table and digged into scallops, pate de champagne, cuisse de canard, dos de cabillaud and braised deer.
Vince and I shared a bottle of Cotes de Rhone that tasted like an organic natural wine that Parisians are so into at the moment. With full bellies we parted and Vince and I went to buy his parents Christmas gift. Shhhhhh! And then to the market for coffee and fish. (we didn’t find anything great looking fish and settled on a steak from the grocery store and a side salad.)Vince is on a new diet for his sleep apnea so not stopping at the Fromagerie was a triumph for him. So proud!
Later that night we decided to try out our “new to us” blender. We mixed a banana, lemon, clementines, ice, vodka and a little grapefruit juice to make delicious daiquiris! They were smugly gulped down and we quickly made another batch. The second batch was enjoyed while settling into the couch with a downloaded marathon of “How I met your mother and 30 Rock.”
That’s it folks, Saturday night at the Dodge/Klein household!
Love and Hugs