Monday, October 19, 2009

The Dodges meet the Kleins

Good morning Every body! I wanted to share with you the epic meeting of our parents a few weekends ago. Vince's parents are sister graciously came to Paris to meet my family for the first time. Vince and I choose a "french chansons" restaurant called "Le Limonaire" in the 9th arrondissment near to their apartment. It was a quaint little place in a covered alleyway off of grand boulevards. After a quick glass of welcome champagne at our apartment we all took the metro down to the resto. We started by having a delicious three course meal before the show began. There were three different female singers that preformed and each was more different than the last. First up was a cello player with a sense of humour and second was an avante garde signer with a sweet accordian player that sat right beside Dad. The last preformer was so amazing that she had me believing she was an angel from heaven singing jazz songs just for us. I included just a little snippet of her signing a song about my friend Sue sweet Sue. She kinda messes it up at the end but I hope you can still hear her signing your name Sue. I love you and miss you so much!
So what so you think? It looks like it was a great time had by you agree?
Love and Hugs