Good Morning Every body, Vince got back late last night around 1100pm and is exhausted. Everything in Malta went great and he feels like the meetings and "interviews" were sucessful. The project manager for Malta will be in Paris next thursday and they will discuss further at that time. (hopefully a decision will be made!) The site manager from Malta also said he would like Vince to come to Milan and visit a similar site with him in December. Cool eh? I love Milan!
Anyways other than that we are on our way to Metz this weekend to visit Vince's fam and also made a road trip to Dole. Ryan has proposistioned us to do a little detective work down there trying to find out anything we can on the guy in this picture. He is our great great grandfather and he disappeared after the war. Apparently he spent some time in a military hospital in Dole and we also have a calling card from a baron from Dole that he kept..... all clues point to Dole. Wish us amatures luck! We are nervous and excited!
Love and Hugs