In the meantime.....I made a little list of delightful things a girl like me does when her lovely boyfriend is on a buisness trip.
1. Take off bra and put on comfy grandpa-like jamjams right apon entering the door.
2. Listen to the song "Girl" by Destiny's Child on repeat for a ridiculous amount of time.
3. Eat all and I mean all of the delicious pate du campagne without sharing! Mauhahahhaha!
4. Finally, lay out on the couch and watch a extremly girly fashion movie such as "The September Issue" without having to pause it and explain fashion terms and quirks.
What do you think? Sounds like a fun filled girls night alone or what? What do you ladies do when your men are away? Come on be honest!
Of course I miss my lovely boyfriend desperately especially our morning cuddle. I can't wait till he gets back tonight....but until then more indulging in my girly side!
Love and Hugs