Thursday, October 15, 2009

Visiting Versailles

Good afternoon every body! I wanted to share a few pictures from our trip to The Chateau of Versailles last weekend. It's a magnificant castle on the outskirts of Paris that was the seat of the government of France from 1682 to 1789. King Louis the 16th and Marie Antionette lived here until they were dragged back to Paris to have their heads cut off during the French Revolution. Our trip to visit Versailles was much less dramatic although Mom, Dad and the Aunts did have a little golf cart trouble at the end as you can see. :) They wandered around inside the castle and listened intently to the audio guide as they passed through the hall of mirrors. The second picture is of Aunt Jane inside this famous hall where the treaty to end WWI was signed. And of course we had to have our picture taken all together outside the beautiful gates. I hope you like them.....
Love and Hugs