Good Morning Every body! I am back in Paris after the weekend in Metz and Dole. We had a great time with Vince's family...it was Vince's sister and his nephew's birthday and I will post more about that tomorrow. For now I wanted to let you know about what we found in Dole. So our ancestor James Savage had a calling card from someone called Le Baron F. Fritsch from Dole, France. We were sent by Ryan to the municpal archives in Dole to do some research on the Baron and their connection. Maybe this would be the break in the case of the disappearing ancestor? Well no such luck. We found the Baron and his family easily in the sensus from 1921 living at the adress from his calling card but we couldn't for the life of us find out what he did for a job in order to form a connection between the two. It appears that the Baron and his family were just socialites and philantropists with no real profession. We also had a hard time finding information on the Canadian Forestry Corps in the area. Savage served with them and the headquarters were situated around Dole we believe. We have to go to the departmental archives of Jura (the province where Dole is located) to find out military information. No worries Vince is drafting up a letter to them as we speak.
And the search continues.....
Love and Hugs