Friday, October 30, 2009

Welcome Miss Cuddlebug Alexa Rae Thiele!

Good Morning everyone! It is with boundless excitment and twirly wrists that I announce the birth of little Alexa Rae. I talked to Brooke yesterday and her, Alexa and Whit are all doing great and ready to head home today.
Alexa has some strong Omstead traits such as long gangly arms and fingers that she loves to curl and wrap around her mothers collarbone. She also has those lovely long Omstead toes. No peeptoe pumps in her future! :)
Congratulations you two, what a team! Alexa has the best parents on this side of the Atlantic fo sho!
I can't wait to meet the little lovebug in December!

Love and Hugs

P.S. this smilling piggy is from Sharon Montrose's shop. I saw it for the first time on A cup of Jo.